CPH Village
Lyngbyvej 98, 2100 København Ø, Danmark
Meet the villagers
The apartments
You can check out an apartment in 3D right here!
Your apartment might be slightly different, mirrored, with another view, another window design etc. The roomies each have a private room with a small kitchen and share an entrance and a bathroom.
The gross size (BBR) of our rentals is 22,5 m2. It includes your private space, half the entrance & bathroom and your share of the stairs. The apartments vary a bit from Village to Village, and you will receive more info about your private room when you get an offer to move in.
To be considered as a villager, you must have at least one year left in your studies.
You must be able to document that you are enrolled or have applied for one of the following types of education: University approved for SU (State education grants). Specially planned education (Særlig tilrettelagt Uddannelse, STU). A School of Production (Produktionsskole)
Moreover, you must be below 30 years of age when you send your application.
We have made a Village Handbook to help residents understand how to be a great villager. You can read it here
We usually recommend that you send us your application around 3-4 months before you wish to move in., but since we are currently finding all tenants for Village Østerbro, you can already now apply for moving in there by the opening on May 1st 2025!
We open for new villagers as soon as space opens up. Relevant applicants are invited to confirm their interest in moving in by email. -
Wondering how to do the interior in a small apartment? We have gathered a lot of great examples, tips, recipes, portraits and ideas. You can check it out here